DK Developmental Education offers a range of services and supports that is tailored to the individual’s goals with the overall aim improve quality of life.
Supports around transitions
Transitioning to adulthood and independent living
Transition to employment
Transition to kindergarten, primary school and high school
Support with day to day transitions.
Developing visual supports
Supports around emotional regulation
Support to identify individual triggers around dysregulation
Developing neuroaffirming strategies to support with regulation
Support around sensory needs
Interoception supports
Employment and independent living skills
Money and budgeting skills
Transport training
Executive functioning skills
Organisation skills
Self-care skill
Relationship supports
Affirming ways to support social and peer interactions
Receptive language and expressive language skills
Conversation skills
Perspective taking
Understanding Spoon Theory
We also offer a range of assessments:
These can include:
Sensory Profile
Vocational assessments
REAL assessment